Occlusion Implant Dentures

before and after dental implant

Occlusion of implant dentures or full arch bridges

Occlusion of implant dentures is fairly straight forward with some variance on what is acceptable but not nearly as dogmatic as dentures and natural teeth.

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Occlusion of implant dentures depends on what the prosthesis is opposing.

If opposing a denture or implant retained denture then bilateral balanced occlusion, but if opposing a maxillary conventional denture then use lingualized occlusion.

If opposing natural or other fixed or supported then use group function with immediate light anterior guidance, OR mutually protected occlusion (canine rise). There is no consensus of group function vs canine rise, Marinello Carlo 2018 digital dentistry lecture. In these cases have the anteriors pick up cross-over immediately after canine. I personally have a preference for group function, as does Verber, but Resnik likes canine rise. Sighting studies on muscles for people with teeth does not sway me as I am unsure that corresponds to implant supported dentures. Not sure though. Verber states that there is no biofeedback from anterior teeth with implant supported dentures and thus favors group function but does not give a source for that statement.

No overbite will help avoid breakage (from Bill here).

Pikos institute teaches (2018) canine rise for prosthesis vs prosthesis BUT said it is not definite as no research and will try to copy whatever person had originally if possible. Seems there is no set rule as of now.

Occlusion of implant denture depends on if we are talking implant supported or implant retained.

An implant retained denture always uses bilateral balanced occlusion except when going against a conventional maxillary denture, then use lingualized occlusion.

Resnik has a nice article on this.