
Wheaton cosmetic dentist Bryan Bauer

Class I articulator: a simple holding instrument capable of accepting a single static registration; vertical motion is possible.

II articulator: an instrument that permits horizontal as well as
vertical motion but does not orient the motion to the temporomandibular

III articulator: an instrument that simulates condylar pathways by using
averages or mechanical equivalents for all or part of the motion; these
instruments allow for orientation of the casts relative to the joints
and may be arcon or nonarcon instruments.

IV articulator: an instrument that will accept three dimensional dynamic
registrations; these instruments allow for orientation of the casts to
the temporomandibular joints and simulation of mandibular movements.

Semi adjustable articulators are generally Class III instruments and fully adjustable articulators are Class IV instruments.

Me personally pantographic instrumentation isn’t necessary.   I do
feel a semi adjustable to fully adjustable articulator is necessary if
you are a practice performing a great deal of comprehensive dentistry
(veneer cases, rehabs, etc…)

I like the Stratos 300.   I think it is an easy articulator to use and easily adjustable.

I have the Panadent as well-  to me this articulator requires changing parts for it to adjustable.

The Stratos 200 is good– you can adjust a few key components, but it
isn’t full adjustable.  Not to mention it is only a few hundred dollars
less than the 300.
The reason I prefer my stratos 300 from Ivoclar over the Panadent is
the fact that the panadent requires changing of parts, while the 300 you
just change the dials.

I like the Panadent and have two of those as well… but the Stratos
300 eliminates the need for different condylar housings (bennet
analogs).   Rather than having to remove and replace parts you just
loosen a component and dial to where you need it to be.

I love the Stratos 300.   for the price you cannot beat going to the 300 over the 100 and 200

The only reason to own a Class IV instrument is if you pantograph. Denar
no longer makes a manual pantograph so you would have to buy a Cadiax,
and the Kavo Protar 7 or 9 will require the use of an Arcus Digma. So
the cost gets really high really fast.

Most cases can be done on a Class III (semi-adjustable) Insturment. My
personal favorite is the Panadent, not because I sometimes lecture for
them, but because it’s a analog system with curvilinear medial walls. It
can be set with check bites and if you advance enough in your needs,
they make a manual recorder the Axi-Path, and the Cadiax is programmed
for it as well.

If you haven’t had a chance (and you have no life) I suggest you read though my thoughts on this thread: programming your articulator  BTW, if any of you want a Panadent, I understand if you call them and
ask to speak to Tom Lee the owner and mention that some guy by the name
of Lane Ochi referred you and you could get a “good guy discount”

will put in another vote for the stratos 300.  It is a very nice, easy
to adjust articulator with a lot of adjustability.   The facebow is nice
as well. The biggest problem I have is finding labs that have one.

Like the other posters, I’m not sure why you would be interested in a
fully adjustable articulator.   A semi-adjustable articulator (when
properly set up) will really come close and should suffice.

I use the AD2 system in my office as well as having a few Panadent PSHs
lying around.   The systems are interchangeable, although the AD2 is
less expensive and has a few features that I personally find make it
easier to use.  (Disclaimer: I have given input to help with the design
of some of the features, but I’m saying this regardless of that and of
someone that has used both systems extensively.)

Both systems have an Axiographic recorder (AD2’s latest system is more
intuitive and less cumbersome than Panadent’s) and both have
interchangeable fossa boxes if you want to customize the side shift as
well.   They both will ultimately provide the same information about the

Cadiax has 2 versions of the axiographic recorder.   The basic version
will allow you to see the opening and closing pathways and set the angle
of the eminence but cannot record the true axis of rotation.  The
advanced version can.   While a great system and cool toy to have in the
office, you can achieve similar information through the manual
recordings of the AD2 or the Panadent when you feel it is indicated and
for less cost.

 How to Choose an Articulator

Q: Are you planning on using a mandibular tracing device along with your articulator?
– If the answer is no, then you can bypass all fully adjustable articulators.
Q: Are you taking any bite records?
– If the answer is no, then you can bypass all semi-adjustable articulators; a fixed instrument will work fine! See the Hanau Ulti-Mate
Q: Are you taking protrusive bite records?
– If the answer is yes, then look for a semi-adjustable articulator that offers adjustability in the condylar inclination. See Denar Mark 320
Q: Are you taking lateral bite records?

If the answer is yes, then you should be looking for a semi-adjustable
articulator that has adjustability in the progressive and/or immediate
side shift (this is often a personal preference to what you believe in).
See the Whip Mix 2240 or Denar Mark II Plus
Q: What model are you currently using and what is your lab using?
– If you don’t know, the best way to find out is to send photos to me via email.
I can tell you what you have and if it is still a current model. If you
are still looking to change, let’s discuss what you do and do not like
about the current articulator.
Q: Do you need an instrument that can be interchangeable?
Q: Would you like open or closed tracking?
Q: Are you interested in screw-type mounting or magnetic?
Q: Are you interested in an articulator for virtual articulation?
Q: Do you like having a straight fossae or curved?

Q: When you mount your facebow record, do you like mounting directly or indirectly to your articulator?

I have been using the Panadent Articulator and the Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer for a few years now.
I think the Kois Analyzer is a must have tool for any dental office.
You get a speedy and accurate transfer of the most important patient
information. So I spoke with Panadent, who are big Townie fans and they
were kind enough to forward this offer to Smart Ceramics Customers and
A BIG Thank You to Panadent.
Anybody who has any questions please feel free to email or call me.
UweHello Mr. Mohr,
appreciates your continued support and for recommending Panadent
instruments. In appreciation of your continued support Panadent would
like to offer a 10% discount to your clients, friends form dental town,
and those who attended the CDS Midwinter and plan to attend the ODA in
Toronto Canada. They can simply use Smart Ceramics or your name as a
reference to receive the 10% discount.
I have included some video links from our website
you and your clients to view. These videos are presentations and
demonstrations on some of our instruments and I believe they will be
helpful in viewing our system.
 Below are links to the Panadent Instructional Videos



you need any additional information, literature, or I can tailor a
custom quote based on the individuals needs please let me know and I
will be more than happy to provide one for them or yourself
Brian Richardson
Product Consultant
Panadent Corporation
(800) 368-9777
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