Immediate Dentinal Sealing or IDS technique
Immediate Dentinal Sealing is a technique that allows you to seal the dentin immediate after preparation even though an indirect restoration is not ready.
We use the IDS technique immediately after preparing a tooth for a crown. That is before we make our dental impression. It is critical that you remove the oxygen inhibition layer prior to attempting an impression OR making a dental temporary crown. You can do this by either curing under glycerin OR using alcohol to remove that layer. We prefer removal as it is quicker and easier in our hands.
Immediate Dentinal Sealing technique that we currently use in 2017
- After retraction cords, we air dry the tooth preparation.
- Next we place one coat of gluma and scrub for 10 seconds.
- We do not dry or rinse this
- All Bond Universal
- 70% Isopropyl alcohol to remove oxygen inhibition layer
Immediate Dentinal Sealing techniques with other materials
- Etch 10-15 sec
- Gluma
- 2x bond (All Bond 3) air thinned
- Light cure
- Wipe away air inhibited layer with ethyl alcohol gauze or place glycerin prior curing
- Rinse well
- Impression
- 2x Separating medium (PRO-V Coat)
- Temp
- SE 20 sec
- Dry 10 sec
- Bond and air thin
- Glycerin over and cure
- Section temp
- Break
- Pumice (or air abrade if did IDS or if IDS plus small layer microfilled flowable)
- Alcohol wipe clean debris
- Clean veneer with etch (air abrade now it want)
- Silane
- Bond on veneer
- Etch tooth
- 2x Bond air thin
- Cement
- Tac cure