Cement or Bond Dental Crown

Cement crown

Should you cement or bond your dental crown?

Cement vs bond for a dental crown

What criteria dictate cement or bond for a dental crown?

Cementing a dental crown is easier and as long as there is enough tooth structure to maintain the crown should be the method of retention. If the retention is low then bonding is the method of retention to use. The type of crown that one uses is also a big decider on what type of cement or bond to use.

Types of cement and bonding agents

There are 3 basic categories for crown “cement”. They are resin modified glass ionmer cements. These are best for your everyday crowns. There are self-adhesive resin cements, which are best when you need a little more retention. Finally, there are the resin and veneer cements. These are pure bonding products.

Dental cements and dental resin luting products

Our protocol for posterior zirconia

Clean the crown with microetch of product like Zirclean. Cement with a RMGI.

Our protocol for emax

For crowns that are borderline with retention our steps are below.

1) try in, floss etc..-
2)pa or bwx to confirm seat.
3) Ivoclean the internal aspect of the restoration for ten seconds, rinse and dry
4) Silane
5) Rely X unicem 2 if the crown is > 1.5mm thick, quick tac with the light
6) floss and clean up all the residual cement-  double check for interproximal residual cement.
7) final cure.

We try to maintain margins at the gingival level or slightly above.

We bond veneers with resin veneer products. If the crown is under 1.5mm thick then we use a total etch and resin cementation technique.

1.  Pressed eMax
2.  Consepsis Scrub on the tooth then Gluma. Monobond Plus on the internal aspect of the crown after porcelain etch, let it dry, apply Unicem 2 in the crown or Multilink cement.

emax can be cemented just fine  1


CR June 2014