Custom Nail Logo Nail Wraps
It seems like every day I get a million ‘invitations’ to various things on Facebook. So and so invited you to such and such event. 90% of the time I decline the invites or ignore them all together. A few months back I got an invite for a friends FB Jamberry Nail Party. I thought, what is this? So, out of curiosity, I joined her party. I thought it was going to be just another party like the ones I’d physically attended in the past where some annoying sales person tries to con you into buying all of their product disguising it as a ploy to help your friend (the hostess/host) try and win some rewards. I was wrong. It simply ended up being some fun online games which required very little effort on my part, and in return, I got some samples of the product–Jamberry Nail Wraps in the mail.
As a female dental/ortho employee, its difficult to keep your nails nice, let alone keep your nail polish nice. The last thing I want is for my nails to be chippy and ugly after I applied my nail polish only a day ago. The clincher for me actually choosing to host my own FB Jamberry Nail Wrap party was that the consultant I would be working with (Lindsay Kennedy McCaffry) is a Dental Assistant at a Pediatric Dental office in Indianapolis and she uses the product faithfully. She even posted picture of her nails on day 1 and day 12 and they still looked perfect! Ok, I was completely sold. Throughout the course of my ‘party’ I managed to sell $500 worth of product to my family and friends many of whom work in the medical or dental industry. I found out that I could even design my own Custom Wraps…Light bulb! How cool would it be to design a wrap for our office?! So after presenting the idea to one of our Doctors, I got to design a wrap with her logo on it! Now I can be a walking advertisement for Bauer Orthodontics and Dettmer and Bauer and we’re even going to give them away to patients! While I was designing our wraps, I was corresponding with my consultant (dental assistant as well) and she LOVED the idea. She decided to design their own for their office in Indy. While talking about work we found out that her Dr. and Drs Bauer and Bauer all went to the same school! We’re even talking about getting Dr. Danielle Bauer and Dr. Terri Winn together for lunch when Dr. Winn is in town next. It just goes to show, that connections are everywhere. You can use anything to market if you put some thought into it.