Two venous lake lesions

bumps on lips

Two venous lake lesions treated

Another patient decided to make the drive and have us treat his venous lake lesions.  I thought I would share this case as it was interesting that he had two rather large lesions.  Typically when we are treating someone with a venous lake, after careful inspection, we are able to locate additional smaller venous lake lesions in addition to the one that the individual was concerned about.  We treat all lesions for a set fee that can be found on our venous lake page.

Here is the patient’s before photo that we were able to take in the office the day of treatment.

venous lake
Notice two venous lakes lesions on opposite sides of the lower lip


A little less than two weeks later we received a follow up email and photo.

“Enclosed please find photos taken on May 10th.  Healing is almost complete.  One of two venous lakes appears as normal and blemish free.  The larger of the two still holds a small scab. 


As I write this letter the larger of the two looks perfect, thus I will send a follow-up photo.


I was very impressed with the procedure and kindness of the staff at Bauer Dentistry.  Indeed, for what was performed (Including a tooth extraction) the charge was quite fair.


best wishes”

venous lake follow up photo

In another few days the other scab will fall off and after one more week of healing both will look perfect!  If you are interested in venous lake removal on your lip check out our venous lake removal page or give us a call!