Intentional replantation tooth

intentional replantation tooth

Intentional replantation tooth – When to use it?

Orthodontics will use occasionally to replace missing anterior central tooth.  A single rooted premolar is the preferred tooth.  Endodontics may use as an alternative to retreatment or endodontic microsurgery.

Intentional replantation tooth technique

Extract and replant QUICKLY!  The sooner the better!

Greater than 15 minutes has a negative impact on the success rate of endodontic intentional replantation of a tooth.  The use of MTA or other slower setting materials is not advised as the blood can dissolve before set.  SuperEBA or Endocem are the preferred products to use.  Jang JOE 2016

Intentional replantation tooth

Teeth with external cervical resorption

Teeth with external cervical resorption or ECR can be unrestorable with traditional methods. A novel technique is to use intentional replantation and treat extra-orally. Krug JOE 2019 shows a case study of this technique on a central incisor. Would prefer to have done the root canal prior extraction and use Geristore instead of composite.

Intentional replantation of tpoth #8 with external cervical resorption