What dental journals can we trust?
Dental journals that are trustworthy are getting harder to come by. Research in general has become problematic with fake research for profit and AI will only make it worse. Think check submit has a list of journals that researchers can trust.
Science based medicine is a nice website with many articles trying to eliminate the emotional and irrational side of the human thought process. The dentistry section is linked but there is good stuff on over screening in general. It’s human nature to see x test show or find some awful result and thus think everyone should be screened with x test. However, the minimal hazard, danger, damage, and financial cost are rarely properly considered. Larger field X-ray screenings are common in dentistry since they can rarely turn up something bad but the reality is even small amounts of radiation does eventfully cause cancer, especially in susceptible people. Cancer screenings and some of the issues with them are discussed on the same site, in particular I like this article about screening without symptoms.
ISI Web of Science is a tool to search research articles.
Top journals for dental implants
COIR, CIDRR, EJOI, IJOMI, JOI, ID. IJOMI was most cited with it’s peak percentage from 1996-2000. Alarcon IJOMI 2017
Fardi JOMI 2017 has similar list but interestingly its different. I think list below is just top 100 articles.