Closing black triangles teeth after braces

Closing black triangles teeth after braces

Closing black triangles between your teeth after braces

Closing black triangles between your teeth after braces is easy with Bioclear!

After receiving orthodontic treatment you may notice spaces in between your teeth that resemble a black triangle. Referred to as gingival embrasures, these spaces can result in cosmetic and dental hygiene issues. There are many ways to fix black triangles such as an IPR (interproximal reduction) or a gingival graft; however, if you are looking for a non-invasive procedure to close these spaces then dental bonding is the way to go.  It is a common and conservative way to correct these black triangles.

Taylor is the case of the week this week. She got dental bonding done to correct the black triangles.

Taylor came to our office after completing her orthodontic treatment, she had esthetic concerns regarding the black spaces in between her teeth. When these spaces open we can easily correct them with dental bonding. Taylor’s case became complex because of how small the black triangles are! Taylor had traditional metal braces to align her teeth and though she was happy with the results she noticed new black spaces that formed. Her orthodontist offered interproximal reduction as a solution however this method is not always successful. In her case, we will use the bioclear method to shape the dental composite onto her teeth and intricately close her spaces. This method uses customized plastic matrices that are structurally shaped to imitate a tooth. At the end of her treatment, Taylor was extremely happy with the result.

Closing black triangles inbetween your teeth after braces

How do we close black triangles?

Getting dental bonding done will take minimal preparation. To close space’s your dentist won’t have to remove tooth enamel instead they will roughen up the interproximal surface of your tooth, then bond tooth-colored composite to your teeth. Your dentist will cure the composite using a special curing light to make certain the resin is sturdy. Dental bonding is a great option to guarantee the closure of these spaces. Unlike interproximal reduction or gingival grafting the bioclear method is non-invasive and reversible.

Is bonding a permanent solution for black triangles?

If you are asking this because you want to know if the bonding will last forever the answer is no. Unfortunately, black triangles are a natural result of aligning your teeth and are inevitable. There is controversy over how long dental bonding lasts. Since it is technique sensitive there is a plethora of factors that can affect the duration of bonding. Studies show 90% of dental bonding can last up to ten years. Since this procedure is purely cosmetic patients will have to maintain the bonding over time.