Acrylic hybrid denture on implants (Hybrid dentures)

This weeks case of the week is a hybrid denture. Hybrid dentures are dentures that permanently attach to the mouth through the use of dental implants.

Hybrid denture

These are images of before and after with a hybrid denture made by Dr. Bryan

Sue had upper and lower partial dentures for years. As the years passed more and more teeth needed to be added to her partials. During a regular checkup we noticed that decay was eating away at the last few supporting teeth. She would no longer be able to support her partial without these teeth. We needed to make a decision on what to do. Traditionally, she would have the remaining teeth pulled and a removable denture made. Today with dental implants we are able to fabricate a fixed solution. A hybrid denture that she keeps in all the time and is very secure.

Sue had the remaining teeth removed and implants placed and received her new teeth all on the same day! This is what we call “teeth in a day”. However, just so you are aware, the first set of teeth is almost always temporary. You will wear the temporary version for about 6months while we ensure all the implants heal properly.

Interested in a hybrid denture or hybrid dentures?

If you are missing some or all of your teeth give us a call! We can set you up with a complimentary examination and discuss your options.

Today we will often “upgrade” these hybrid dentures into a full ceramic/porcelain version. The ceramic version of a hybrid denture is both more esthetic and much stronger. If interested you can see a zirconia and porcelain ceramic version on the link. Unfortunately, the downside is that if anything ever does go wrong with the upgraded version of a hybrid denture then the cost to fix the issue is more.

How much are hybrid dentures?

We charge $23,000 in 2019 to remove the remaining teeth, place as many dental implants as possible, and fabricate both your temporary and final hybrid denture. To see other options in the implant supported dentures family click the link.

How do you pay for a hybrid denture?

The process of getting hybrid dentures requires more than half a year.  If you have dental insurance we will try to get two years worth of benefits out of your plan.  However, even two years worth of the best dental plans will not cover a hybrid denture so what are your options?  Like most things that are expensive hybrid dentures are often financed.  We have a lending company that we use and you can see your rate for credit right now by clicking the lending tree link.  You do not have to worry about this site affecting your credit score in anyway as it only does a soft pull.  If you need one hybrid denture put in $23,000 and if you need two hybrid dentures put in $46,000.  These numbers may not be exact for you but they will be very close.

hybrid dentures

This is what a hybrid denture looks like close up when you physically lift the lip.