Tag Archives: cracked tooth

Cracked tooth root canal

Wheaton cosmetic dentist Bryan Bauer

Case of the week                                     Cracked tooth syndrome I chose this case this week because it, like many cracked tooth syndrome teeth, was difficult to diagnose and caused significant suffering for the patient prior to extraction. Liza came to see me on a Monday in severe pain in her upper right jaw.  As with most cracked […]

Cracked tooth, craze line, vertical root fracture?

Wheaton cosmetic dentist Bryan Bauer

Craze line – differentiated from cracks via trans-illumination Fractured cusp Cracked tooth – differentiated from last two via wedge test. The long-term prognosis for a cracked tooth is better when no crack is visible or the crack does not extend to the chamberfloor and the tooth is rendered pain free by banding or the placement […]

Cracked root canal tooth?

s4 tooth

Methlyene blue can really help! So this patient had a root canal done a week prior by a local endodontist. Tooth had a small fracture which is why the nerve was injured and why required a root canal.  The endodontist did a fabulous job and found and cleansed and shaped the MB2, which unfortunately a […]