Tag Archives: dental crown

Crown seat problems

Overcoming Common Dental Crown Seat Problems As dentists, a crown seat problem is common place. We often encounter a range of complexities when it comes to cementing dental crowns. While dental crowns are effective solutions for restoring severely damaged or decayed teeth, the process can sometimes be riddled with issues that can compromise the crown’s […]

Crown vs filling

Crown vs filling

Crown vs filling – when do we do crown and when do we do a filling? Crown vs filling is a very tough thing to decide. Nearly every dentist has their own criteria and that criteria is highly subjective. The same dentist may not even have the same recommendations from year to year and forget […]

Need crown after root canal?

need crown after root canal

Do you always need crown after root canal? Need crown after root canal from your dentist? Are you being told that you have to have a dental crown after completing a root canal? Find out when you do need one and when you may not. Also find out what your crown options are. Which teeth […]

New Translucent Zirconia Crowns

lower gums

New Translucent Zirconia Crowns New translucent zirconia crowns are arguably the best material to come along since white dental composites. They are very strong and for back teeth are very natural looking. Sean’s new translucent zirconia crown Are you in need of a dental crown but afraid that it will not look natural? This can […]

Money Saving Solution to a Dental Implant

cheap alternative to dental implant

Looking to fix a broken tooth that “needs” a dental implant but not wanting to spend the money? Here’s a great, cost savvy solution! Elizabeth came into the office with a fractured front tooth. After falling ice skating, her tooth had broken at the gum line. After consulting with a few dentists about options and […]

Veneers to replace old misshaped and miscolored crowns

veneer smile upgrade

Dental veneers and a little bonding Case of the week Jessica never really liked her smile.  She was missing two front teeth that were replaced with dental implants and crowns as a girl and had one center crown placed that was misshaped in comparison to the tooth next to it.  The color of the front […]

New porcelain crowns

crowns before and after emax

Porcelain fused to metal dental crowns replaced with emax porcelain crowns Case of the week Harry had old PFM crowns placed as a young man after a skiing accident broke both teeth.  At the time this was the best result that was possible.  Harry was interested in upgrading his smile and closing the gap between […]

Zirconia framework for implant supported hybrid denture – crowns too! How are they milled?

Zirconia framework

Zirconia framework and zirconia milling Zirconia framework option for an all on 4 can be a great framework option for an all on 4. The properties of  zirconia make it one of the most common dental ceramic in use.  It’s strong, like really strong, and the esthetics are improving. Zirconia framework milling for an all […]

Single front crown

dental crown for abnormal tooth

Case of the week Matching a single front tooth can be very challenging for both the dentist and the lab tech making the crown.  I give credit to my lab partner for her excellent work on this case. Can you guess which of these is a new crown?   For answer scroll down…… Bryan Bauer, […]

Getting a dental crown? What are your choices?

crown for broken tooth

A dental crown covers a tooth and restores it to its normal shape and size. It can cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn’t enough natural tooth left. It can be used to attach a bridge, protect a weak tooth from breaking, or restore one that’s already broken. They are […]