Tag Archives: dental implants

Dental tourism risks

dental tourism infection

Dental tourism risks and dental implant dental tourism risks Dental tourism risks are very real and there is no recourse for patients that have bad work or end up with major infections or permanent damage or nerve damage. All on 4 and dental implants are the highest risk of having major problems. Most patients looking […]

High resolution dental implant photos

dental implant single crown

High resolution dental photos of dental implants This page has our high resolution dental photographs so that you can see the detail of our work. This page will take longer to load because of the size of the files. Dental implants Matching a single central incisor is the most difficult thing to do in cosmetic […]

All on 4 dental implants cost

the cost of implants

How much does the all on 4 dental implants cost? The is no question that the all on 4 or more procedures are expensive. The first thing most patients need to know is it what the all on 4 dental implants cost.  They run from about $20,000 up to $50,000 per arch if you get […]

Full mouth implant supported bridge

implant supported bridge full arch zirconia

Looking for all on 4, all on 6, hybrid denture, or implant supported bridge? Case of the week Sam came to us in desperate shape.  He had suffered from periodontal disease his entire adult life.  Now in his 50’s he was facing the reality of having NO teeth.  His lower front teeth were so loose […]

Final on four prosthesis

all on 4 full arch hybrid

Final on four – immediate metal-resin full arch dental implant supported prosthesis Final on four is another name for a denture prosthesis that attaches to the jaw with four dental implants.   Delivery of the final on four prosthesis just 2-3 days post surgery is possible BUT As this OSU (Yilmaz Aug 2015) case shows […]

Implant that was not needed – Apical root fracture

horizontal root fracture

Did the Germans blitzkreig this case and treat more aggressively than needed? Young patient has sports accident and fractures a front tooth.  Pretty common really.  So common in fact that there is good data and research on what happens when we watch these teeth.  Check out my horizontal root fracture post. This girl has an […]

Hybrid abutment

h abutment

Dental implant Hybrid abutment is also known as the H abutment Hybrid abutment is an abutment with a titanium section that is against the dental implant and a ceramic section over it to hide the metal. The H abutment is often specifically a lithium disilicate sleeve that the lab lutes to the titanium base. Hybrid […]

Jaw bone loss

bone loss

Jaw bone loss if you do not get dental implants Jaw bone loss is something that is very apparent to health car professionals. Even you likely recognize the impact but did not know it was bone loss. Have you ever seen an older woman or man with a short face and lower jaw sticking out? […]