Tag Archives: gelfoam

Bleeding during implant surgery

wheaton dental implants

How to stop bleeding during dental implant surgery Best to avoid prior to happening, obviously.  Three high risk areas are going to be the lingual foramen and sublingual area, the maxillary incisive canal, and the PSSA (posterior superior alveolar artery) in the lateral wall of the sinus. Steps Pressure and guaze Hemostatic agent like gelfoam  […]

Dental clotting agents

dental clotting agents

Dental clotting agent and/or weak membranes Dental clotting agents can also be thought of as weak membranes. I have found Hemcon can handle the worst but is also the strongest so typically hat is my last line of defense. Typically I will use a collagen product or ActCel for bleeding. Dental clotting agents by name […]