Tag Archives: root canal


RCT molar

Decompression of a dental abscess Decompression of a dental abscess is something that is rare but beneficial with large lesions. Endodontists and oral surgeons are probably the main two specialists with training in this area. Steps for decompression of a dental abscess The steps for decompression depend to some degree on where it is in […]

Need crown after root canal?

need crown after root canal

Do you always need crown after root canal? Need crown after root canal from your dentist? Are you being told that you have to have a dental crown after completing a root canal? Find out when you do need one and when you may not. Also find out what your crown options are. Which teeth […]

Root canal MB2 25(20)-31 Numbers are MB2 present(cleansed and filled)-total

R27 x-ray

Categories of this blog are Race WF Age 64 Tooth vital – tooth necrotic # teeth with MB2 present- able to cleanse and shape the MB2 – MB2 join MB1 – teeth I consider calcified that no MB2 was found – total # of 1st molar treated MB2 distance from MB1 – join MB1 15-16=31 […]

WM 49 1(1)-11(8)-18 Categories here are race, sex, age numbers are MB3 present(cleansed and filled)-MB2 present(cleansed and filled)-total

MB2 far palatal

Categories of this blog are Tooth vital- tooth necrotic (Any canal necrotic then tooth considered necrotic) # (teeth with MB3 present- able to cleanse and shape the MB3) – (teeth with MB2 present- able to cleanse and shape the MB2 – MB2 join MB1 – teeth I consider calcified that no MB2 was found) – […]

Root canal MB2 22(19)-27 Numbers are MB2 present(cleansed and filled)-total

MB2 root canal no join WF

Categories of this blog are Tooth vital – tooth necrotic # teeth with MB2 present- able to cleanse and shape the MB2 – MB2 join MB1 – teeth I consider calcified that no MB2 was found – total # of 1st molar treated MB2 distance from MB1 – join MB1 15-12=27 22-19-8-1-27 Wider space and […]

Magnification in dentistry

dental loupes

Why is magnification in dentistry important? Magnification in dentistry is critical to great care. The higher the magnification the greater the visual acuity and even if we actually work at a lower magnification viewing the higher magnification helps. Magnification in general dentistry You can’t treat, diagnose, or understand what you can’t see!   More magnification makes […]

Implant that was not needed – Apical root fracture

horizontal root fracture

Did the Germans blitzkreig this case and treat more aggressively than needed? Young patient has sports accident and fractures a front tooth.  Pretty common really.  So common in fact that there is good data and research on what happens when we watch these teeth.  Check out my horizontal root fracture post. This girl has an […]

Studies on Anatomy Mandibular Premolar

C shaped premolar image

Root canal Anatomy Mandibular Premolar 98% single root (1-4 present) 76% single canal 79% single apical foramen.  Very high racial variances Cleghorn May 2007 Lit review Second premolars are more likely to have 1 canal (nearly all) leaving the first premolar more likely to have 2 canals (22%). Three canals are very rare less than […]