Palate expander
Looking for information on the Palate expander or palatal expander?
Palate expander or palatal expander is a device that an orthodontist uses to widen the upper jaw. We have a lot more information on palatal expanders and their impact on airway and sleep apnea on the link.
What is a palate expander or palatal expander?
A palate expander is a device we place on the roof of the mouth to “expand” or widen the palate, or upper jaw. In growing children, the upper jaw has 2 bones, the right half & the left half and there is a separation we call the “suture.” Remember the “soft spot” on a baby’s head? That is the suture of all the skull bones that eventually fuse together. The palate is just like that – 2 bones that eventually fuse together! While using a palatal expander, we are simply “pushing” the 2 bones apart at the suture with very little to no discomfort. Many children receive a palatal expander to correct bite issues, such as a crossbite, underbite, severe crowding in the developing teeth (not enough space for permanent teeth), and also, AIRWAY issues.
More on airway issue and the expander.
The floor of the nose is the same bone as the roof of the mouth, therefore you will notice less restriction in airflow through the nose. This helps reduce or eliminate MOUTH BREATHING or open mouth posture at rest. Many children have sleep disordered breathing due to narrow airways. In our office, we do a full airway assessment with 3D imaging and a comprehensive oral & physical examination to determine if airway issues are present. Symptoms of sleep disordered breathing or sleep apnea are: not sleeping well through the night, trouble focusing during the day, tired/dark circles under the eyes, and forward tongue posture (Dr. Danielle will help determine if the tongue is postured forward or downward & work with you on these aspects).